Indoor camogie blitz
Well done to our 4th class girls, who played their hearts out at the indoor camogie blitz in Little Island on Friday.

Christmas Jumper Day!!!

Christmas artwork- Christmas Lanterns

Christmas Artwork- Christmas Baubles

Christmas Kahoot
4th class enjoyed a Christmas themed Kahoot quiz this week! Well done to the winning team…The dodges!!

Pyjamas Day!
To celebrate 4th class doing so well in their Christmas Show, we had a pj’s day!

The Famine
4th class were learning about the Famine in Ireland. Using their knowledge on the famine, they wrote some letters from the perspective of a child living in famine times. They also complete beautiful silhouette paintings based on emigration during the famine.

Halloween Haunted Houses!
As part of our Halloween artwork this year we designed and made Halloween Haunted Houses! As you can see, we have been very busy indeed!!

Halloween Fun- Fortune Telling!
We had some Halloween fun fortune-telling using our very own crystal ball!!

Sciath Na Scol Winners 2024
We are incredibly proud of our boys football team who took part in the Sciath na Scol finals. They overcame the Gaelscoil in Ballyphehane in Pairc Uí Chaoimh to become Scaith na Scol champions!! It was a day the boys will never forget.

Happy Halloween
There was plenty of spooky fun in fourth class this Halloween! Check out our amazing costumes!

A lovely new pupil!!
This week in 4th class, we were delighted to welcome a fabulous new friend to our class…….all the way from Scotland!!

Digital Literacy- Using chrome books
As part of our digital literacy initiative at Conna school, we use chrome-books each week at school to research information for projects, make power point presentations and to practise our typing skills!

Presenting Projects about scotland
We used our chrome books to research and create projects to present. We used the classroom interactive whiteboard to display and present our projects to the class. We based our projects on Scotland to learn more about the country that our new pupil Tom comes from!!

Rainy Lunchtimes!
We made the most of our first rainy lunchtime of the year by playing with our classroom games indoors!

Fun in the Sun!
Fourth class enjoying a game of dodgeball. We are making the most of the sunny September weather!

Fourth class with their teachers MS MacMahon and Ms O Brien and SNA Ms Veale